It’s The Pits is a 501c3 canine rescue that coordinates the fostering and adoption of dogs that haven’t yet found their permanent home. We specialize in American Staffordshire Terriers (“Am Staffs”), Staffordshire Bull Terriers ("Staffy's"), and American Pit Bull Terriers, but will do our best to help all breeds, often by referral to other local rescues that specialize in that type of dog. You can find many of these on our links page. We are located in San Diego county, as are all of our foster homes. We work alongside our fosters to give the dogs a temporary and loving home before they are placed into permanent homes. We rescue dogs from various shelters, evaluate them, ensure they are healthy, and then match them with the appropriate family. We take pride in matching the best dog for the individual family that contacts us. We do this by matching the activity level of the dog to the family's needs, as well as making sure that the other pets in the home work well with the new addition to the pack. All of this is important in finding the forever home for our rescued pets. If you are looking for a special dog or can help by serving as a foster parent, please contact us.
Beth Gruff Founder/President, Rescue Partner Medical Director |
Jennifer Kaiser Rescue Partner Executive Director of K9 Welfare & Service |
Andrea Malley Sowieja Online Communications & Fundraising Director |