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PO Box 720008 San Diego, CA 92172-0008 (858) 484-0985
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PO Box 720008
San Diego, CA 92172-0008
(858) 484-0985






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From our Founder & President, Beth Gruff

Web Image: Beth with dogs



“…Dogs inspire me. They have been through so very much and they keep on going.”

There is so much sadness that it is overwhelming at times and then there is so much happiness. Like when a dog pulls through a tough surgery and recovers, to be adopted and live in a happy home for the rest of his life.

I kept adding to our K-9 family until my husband said “Please… no more!” But there were still lots of dogs in need of homes so I started fostering for the Escondido Humane Society and was able to get my foster dogs adopted. Then I started pulling dogs from other shelters  and it just kept growing. I have found that I had a real connection with the Pit Bulls and the Bully breeds, specifically. They touched my heart and soul and I felt that I just had to help them. They are so misunderstood.

My family and most of my friends are sure that I have lost my mind. I spend every waking hour working with or for the dogs. I have no personal time but I’m ok with that. My children are sometimes left feeling left out a bit. I really do try to balance my love for the dogs and the rescue with my family’s needs. Luckily, my husband supports the rescue emotionally and financially.

The stress that is involved in a rescue operation is tremendous, as their lives are my responsibility from the moment that I pull them and it continues for the rest of their lives. We require that our dogs are returned to us if the family for whatever reason can’t or won’t keep them. My life has changed and will never be the same again. I am a different person now.

“My own Pit Bull, Buddy-Man, saved my life.”

Buddy-Man detected my cancer! Due to his persistent nose punching (softly), I questioned my doctor and insisted that some X-rays be taken. Sure enough, cancer was found and fortunately, it was found in time. My dog literally saved my life.